
弗朗西丝米. Moceri房子
奥本山, MI 48326
(248) 370-4504

507 Golf View

three people walking down a white staircase in an industrial building



现在支持毕业班礼物现在就支持OUWB类礼物Support the 研究生院 Class Gift Now


作为一个非营利组织,十大菠菜台子的每个人都以某种方式从慈善事业中受益.  The 学生慈善委员会 empowers students in the philanthropic process by:

  • 支持学生组织和俱乐部运动,因为他们筹集资金来支持自己的事业或其他校园事业
  • 为委员会成员提供有意义的领导机会,让他们想让开放大学现在和未来变得更好
  • Educating students about how donors impact campus every day
  • Hosting volunteer opportunities 和 special events throughout the year

To join us, contact the 学生慈善委员会 Advisers! E-board 和 committee positions are available.




Follow the OU 学生慈善委员会 on 脸谱网, 推特Instagram.


每年,大约有120名学生无法负担回公开大学读大四的费用. The 2024级礼物 will support scholarship opportunities for class of 2025, so the class of 2024 can leave a legacy for the graduates who follow them! Gifts of any size make a difference to this initiative!

2024级礼物开放给 全体毕业生不仅仅是本科生.

Volunteer for the 2024级礼物 Committee! Volunteers help us spread the word about the Class Gift, while earning prizes such as VIP parking at commencement, 文凭框架及更多!


自2015年以来, 在24美元,在最后一年遇到经济困难的学生,可获颁发总额为五千元的奖学金. 


爬艾略特塔:做一个礼物. 攀登. 留下回忆.

  • Graduating students who make a gift of $20.24个或更多的 高年级赠予基金, 研究生院班级捐赠基金,或 OUWB班级捐赠基金 will be invited to climb the stairs of the Elliott Tower.
  • This is a special benefit for graduating students who make a gift of $20.24或以上捐给班级捐赠基金.
  • 把……作为礼物的学生 $50或以上 会被邀请参加VIP参观吗.


“When you give, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. I learned many years ago – 和 it’s true – that even if you give just a little bit, 随着时间的推移, 加起来.”


在十月份, 十大菠菜台子的学生组织和俱乐部运动队互相竞争,看谁能为他们的组织筹集最多的资金,谁能得到最多的捐助者.


Because of the emphasis on student giving, scores will be calculated based on donations from current students only. 然而, 其他个人可以使用捐赠网站向他们选择的组织或俱乐部捐款.



$1,000 for highest total dollars raised

Organizations may only place in one category. A total of six organizations will receive a bonus. 有关详细信息,请参阅完整规则(见下文).

For more information, call (248) 370-4349 or email (电子邮件保护).

Visit our Google Drive for additional materials 和 resources: 学生慈善活动


Q: My organization raises money for the Michigan Cancer Society every year. May we use the 十大菠菜台子 crowdfunding site to do that?
A:很遗憾,没有. Gifts made to 十大菠菜台子 may not be redirected to another nonprofit, 慈善机构, political campaign or other tax exempt group. 欢迎您的组织以其他方式为他们筹集资金——尽管是他们自己的网站, 烘焙义卖或其他活动. We just cannot issue an OU receipt for those types of gifts.

答:十大菠菜台子的学生组织和体育俱乐部可能会筹集资金来支持他们在校园的使命. 对于俱乐部运动来说,这可能意味着购买设备、练习时间或其他必需品. 学生组织, it might support things like travel to conferences 和 conference fees, 印刷的教育材料,如标志和小册子或组织举办的特别活动. 这些只是例子, 但是如果你有任何关于你可以和不能筹集资金的问题,请十大菠菜台子. 如果你的组织不需要额外的运营资金,你也可以选择一个开放的基金来筹集资金.

Please note that all funds are deposited into your CSA Flex Account, so there may be rules 和 restrictions in place.

Q: My friend doesn't have a credit card. 我可以在网上给他们做礼物吗,即使我已经给他们送过礼物了?
答:我们建议他们使用这个简短的表格进行现金/支票捐赠,以确保他们的捐赠将计入参与分数, since the system will view this as a gift from you. 我们会检查所有在线礼品的“账单名称”(信用卡上显示的名称),以检查重复捐赠和其他不一致之处.

  • Challenge is open to all currently registered non-SAFAC OU student organizations, 包括俱乐部运动, that are in good st和ing with the CSA Office.
  • 所有的活动和资金筹集或奖励的结果,这一挑战是受所有规则的约束, 十大菠菜台子学生组织和/或俱乐部体育和国税局规定的政策和程序.
  • 组织有资格在以下两个类别中获胜:参与得分(学生捐助者数量)和筹款得分(从学生那里筹集的资金数量).
  • 捐款人数和捐款金额将根据截至10月1日十大菠菜台子在校生(经注册办公室核实)的捐款金额计算, 2023(午夜). 参与将使用对该组织的唯一捐助者的数量来计算(来自同一个人的多次捐赠将不会被计算为参与得分, 但是,在这种情况下,总捐赠金额仍将包括在总筹款分数中。).
  • 礼物可以在网上制作. 如果是现金或支票捐赠,请让捐赠者完整填写这张简短的表格. Gifts under $5 will not receive a receipt. If there is no form turned in for cash donations, total amount will be listed as coming from "anonymous", 和 will count towards dollars raised but not number of donors.
  • No goods or services may be exchanged in return for a donation (no quid pro quo), such as requiring a donation to receive an item or attend an event. 另外, 没有来自抽奖的资金, 拍卖, 或者第三方活动(如餐馆捐赠一定比例的销售额)也将被接受.
  • 赠与场所或者其他赠与方式,只能用于对本组织的慈善捐赠. 会员不得通过这些方式缴纳组织会费或其他标准组织费用.
  • A total of six organizations will receive an award. One organization may not win an award in each category. 该组织将在其得分最高的类别中获得奖项, allowing other organizations to move up in the alternate category. If an organization has the same award level in both categories (ex. 参与得分和筹款得分均为第一名),那么他们将获得参与得分奖. This will continue until six unique organizations receive a bonus. 

问题? 联系年度捐赠办公室 (电子邮件保护) or (248) 370-4349.


欧大电信基金是一个很好的机会,让你加强你的沟通技巧, 赚外快, 并支持十大菠菜台子.

每年, Advancement Ambassadors contact OU alumni, 父母, 和 friends to update demographic information, 分享校园活动的新闻, 和 ask for support of the University for scholarships, 技术升级, 校园的增强, 还有更多.

  • Flexible Scheduling - Evening shifts don’t interfere with class schedules
  • Fundraising 和 communication skills building
  • Leadership opportunities 和 career support
  • 有成长和晋升的空间
  • Starting wage of $15 with pay increases each semester

Telefund has a special role on 十大菠菜台子's campus. 该项目寻找精力充沛的, 每个学期都有可靠的学生雇员联系公开大学的校友和全国各地的朋友,并邀请他们支持十大菠菜台子.

你知道吗?? Tuition only covers about 81% of a student's education at 十大菠菜台子. The remaining funds come from state funding 和 our generous donors! 由于我们的进步大使所做的伟大工作,你很有可能获得奖学金或从捐助者的支持中受益!

Did you get a call from the OU Telefund?

进步大使是公开大学的学生,他们通过在我们的呼叫中心和其他地方的工作来支持大学的使命. These students make a difference at OU, while gaining valuable work experience. 他们筹集的资金用于提供奖学金和其他有价值的教育资源.

当调用, students request updated contact information, share news about the many things happening at OU, 和 answer any questions alumni 和 friends may have. 在一年中的大部分时间里,电话通常是在周日下午和周一至周四晚上打的.

Our students look forward to speaking with you! Please take some time to talk with our students 和 to renew your annual support, or consider making your first gift to OU.


These numbers cannot take incoming calls. 然而, if you'd like to reach our staff members to make or fulfill a gift, 您可以致电(248)370-4325与我们联系.

电信基金的承诺也可以兑现 在线. 谢谢您的支持!